Google Translate Zimlet lets you translate incoming email messages to your own language using Google Translate. In case you receive messages in languages you cannot read yourself. This Zimlet uses...
Downloads: 578 | Categories: Mail
Alerts you when forgetting to attach an attachment when sending an email. The Attachment Alert
Downloads: 490 | Categories: Mail
Voice Message Zimlet lets you record an audio message using Chrome and Firefox on the desktop. Playback will also work on Android, for Apple devices one must install VLC app from the app...
Customizing the Modern UI theme colors and logo With the Simple Theme customizer Zimlet you can change the Modern UI appearance in a fast and easy way. Simple Theme customizer Zimlet supports...
Downloads: 437 | Categories:
This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export/download an email to an eml file.
Downloads: 869 | Categories: Mail
This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export a calendar event to an ics file.
Downloads: 434 | Categories: Calendar
This Zimlet adds an option in the mail view for ICS attachments and allow to import into Calendar. In addition it also adds a menu option in the Calendar Actions menu to import an ICS via upload.
The Zimlet Sideloader provides an easy way to run Zimlets for development and testing purposes without having to actually deploy a Zimlet on your server. The Sideloader itself is also a Zimlet...
Downloads: 878 | Categories: Developer Tools
The User Session Management Zimlet lets you see all your active sessions and synced mobile devices from the Modern UI without asking your administrator. To find the Zimlet, click the gear menu ->...
Downloads: 863 | Categories: Utilities
Share files directly from you RushFiles account. This zimlet allows user to share files directly from their RushFiles account. A new public link (optionally password protected) is automatically...
Downloads: 469 | Categories: Photos and Files
With this Zimlet administrators can change the behaviour of the navigation buttons in Zimbra Modern UI. This Zimlet will bypass this screen: So when the user clicks on the cloud icon, the user...
Downloads: 378 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities
This article will show you how to write a simple Signature Template Zimlet. The Signature Template Zimlet offers a globally configured email signature template that users can use to configure...
Downloads: 699 | Categories: Mail
Introducing the Organization Chart Zimlet Recently the Organization Chart Zimlet was added to Zimbra 9. You can use the Organization Chart Zimlet to display the people in your organization in a...
Downloads: 586 | Categories: Contacts
Empty subject Zimlet, alerts you when sending an email without subject. For developers it is introducing a new way to create a modal dialog and also introduces the use of Event Handlers using...
Downloads: 465 | Categories: Mail
The X-Spam Zimlet displays the X-Spam-Status and X-Spam-Score headers from emails in the UI.
Downloads: 495 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail
The Google Drive Zimlet allows you to use Google Drive with Zimbra. Save attachments from Zimbra to Google Drive Attach documents from Google Drive to Emails in Zimbra This Zimlet is in the...
Downloads: 900 | Categories: Mail
Create awareness by using the Social Justice Zimlet. The Social Justice Zimlet will suggest alternative words to use while the user is typing a new email. For example if the user where to type...
Downloads: 478 | Categories: Social
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