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( 1 ratings )

Alerts you when forgetting to attach an attachment when sending an email. The Attachment Alert

Downloads: 433 | Categories: Mail

Add a virtual Sticky Note to your emails. Click the Sticky Note icon that now shows up in the right top of the displayed email. Make a note, and click OK. The Sticky Note is...

Downloads: 547 | Categories: Mail

( 1 ratings )

This is a Zimlet that helps the user to maintain and use Email Templates. An User will use templates when s/he has to send a lot of 'similar looking' emails but with small changes. Consider an...

Downloads: 576 | Categories: Mail

Get your contacts and calendars from your Zimbra server to your Android devices and stay in sync! DAVx⁵ is the only all-in-one synchronization solution for your contacts (CardDAV), calendars...

Downloads: 2312 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Utilities

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This Zimlet for Zimbra 8.8.x allows the reservation of Lifesize virtual rooms with integration of login credentials directly in the text of the meeting message. It was made based on code from...

Downloads: 756 | Categories: Social, Telecom, Video

( 1 ratings )

ZI-Knock is the admin tool that secure of access process to Zimbra admin web panel. ZI-Knock is tightly integrated with Zimbra, with well-known Zimbra interface, easy and comfortable for...

Downloads: 480 | Categories: Utilities

Use imMail Zimlet to: Talk to your employees and suppliers Create messaging groups Create, Assign and Manage Tasks Do Video Conferences Send an instant message to all employees Upload and...

Downloads: 4325 | Categories: Chat, Video

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HPO-Zimlet High performance meeting Zimlet This Zimlet changes the New Appointment dialog and default meeting duration option in Zimbra to be able to do High Performance Meetings....

Downloads: 974 | Categories:

( 7 ratings )

Unsplash Spice up the Zimbra with random images from unsplash.com. Installing See steps on Github. Bonus zimlet This Zimlet shows random image in the top of the Zimbra UI after the user is...

Downloads: 1496 | Categories: Fun

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Zimbra send replies triggered by filters (beta work in progress) While you could always configure Zimbra filters to send automated replies over CLI using: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m...

Downloads: 1318 | Categories: Mail

You can use the software in this repository to set-up your Zimbra Open Source Edition server with Two Factor Authentication. The 2FA parts are powered by PrivacyIDEA and will run in a Docker...

Downloads: 1984 | Categories: Two Factor Authentication

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Zimbra User Alias With this extension you can allow a user, users in a cos or users in a domain to create Alias on their own account. For Zimbra 8.8.11 and above only. When adding/removing Alias,...

Downloads: 1333 | Categories: Mail

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Zimbra BigBlueButton Integration Install prerequisites Zimbra 8.8 and above Installing Use the automated installer: wget...

Downloads: 1497 | Categories: Calendar, Video

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Zimbra StartMeeting integration (development not for production) StartMeeting easy-to-use online meetings with HD audio, video conferencing and screen sharing. If you are interested in using...

Downloads: 1608 | Categories: Calendar, Video

( 1 ratings )

Zimbra Mailing Lists (beta) Expand upon Zimbra's distribution lists feature to work more like a mailing list. This project will add a public subscription page to your Zimbra server allowing...

Downloads: 2700 | Categories: Mail

( 2 ratings )

Configurable Signature Template We found that a SysAdmin can deploy email signatures via zmprov, but when the user wants to edit the signature (with the company logo) it often breaks. This...

Downloads: 4469 | Categories: Mail

Based on the EML downloader code I created a more convenient downloader. It is placed in the context menu if you right-click a message (or a bunch of selected messages). It creates the filename...

Downloads: 4115 | Categories: Mail

Based on the EML downloader code I created a more convenient downloader. It is placed in the context menu if you right-click a message (or a bunch of selected messages). It creates the filename...

Downloads: 4928 | Categories: Mail

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RMail for Zimbra RMail | The global standard for secure & certified electronic communications Production ready. Installing cd /tmp wget --no-cache...

Downloads: 1612 | Categories: Mail

( 4 ratings )

Announcements Portal This portal shows a list of announcements and RSS feeds in Zimbra as the first thing people see after login. Also People can add new announcements and comment on them. Spread...

Downloads: 1728 | Categories: Mail