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DAVx5 Contacts Calendars and Tasks Sync on Android

By: bitfire

Get your contacts and calendars from your Zimbra server to your Android devices and stay in sync!

DAVx⁵ is the only all-in-one synchronization solution for your contacts (CardDAV), calendars (CalDAV) and your tasks (based on VTODO). The app is easy to set up and integrates perfectly with your favorite calendar/contacts app (including default apps) on Android. It can also be used seperately, if you either have CalDAV, or CardDAV.

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 2387
Latest Version 3.3.9
Categories Calendar , Contacts , CRM , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy , ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x , ZD Legacy , ZD 7.0.x , ZD 7.1.x , ZD 7.2.x , ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x , ZD 7.3.x
License GNU GPL v3
Created on 2/25/21
Updated on 2/25/21