Based on your feedback we have updated the Zimbra Elastic Stack guide to work with Ubuntu 22 and ELK 8.x! The guide has also been extended with steps on how to send log information from audit.log...
Downloads: 999 | Categories: Developer Tools
This Zimlet add a button in the new appointment window that allows you to create a Nextcloud Talk meeting from the Zimbra Calendar. Installing This Zimlet depends on the installation of...
Traffic Light Protocol 2.0 (TLP) Zimlet The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Zimlet adds a menu to Zimbra Modern UI that allows the use of Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) confidentiality...
Downloads: 367 | Categories: Mail
Email Reminder Zimlet Create a calendar reminder based on an email message. Installing Download the Zip file from the Github releases page and install as zimbra user: zmzimletctl deploy...
Salesforce Zimlet Email2Case This Zimlet adds a Email2Case menu item in the More menu. Get from Github and follow the install instrunctions from the README.
Downloads: 507 | Categories: Mail
The Webex Zimlet creates meetings for you on your Webex account and inserts the link into the location field when you schedule appointments in Zimbra. There is support for setting the meeting...
With this Zimlet and extension you can configure per-user attachment limits. It works out of the box on a single server installation. On a multi-server setup you have to find a way to sync the...
Downloads: 351 | Categories: Mail
This Zimlet adds a button in the compose field in Settings->Signatures which allows the user to add images in email signatures.
Downloads: 455 | Categories: Mail
With Zimbra Docs, users can create and collaborate real-time using documents, spreadsheets and presentations right inside the Zimbra Web Client. If you already use Zimbra Docs, you can install...
Downloads: 965 | Categories: Utilities
Is everyone you know, in your address book? Odds are you have duplicates from somewhere. The Contact Cleaner Zimlet will check your address book, and help resolve the duplicates You must be in the...
Google Translate Zimlet lets you translate incoming email messages to your own language using Google Translate. In case you receive messages in languages you cannot read yourself. This Zimlet uses...
Downloads: 578 | Categories: Mail
Alerts you when forgetting to attach an attachment when sending an email. The Attachment Alert
Downloads: 490 | Categories: Mail
Voice Message Zimlet lets you record an audio message using Chrome and Firefox on the desktop. Playback will also work on Android, for Apple devices one must install VLC app from the app...
Customizing the Modern UI theme colors and logo With the Simple Theme customizer Zimlet you can change the Modern UI appearance in a fast and easy way. Simple Theme customizer Zimlet supports...
Downloads: 437 | Categories:
This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export/download an email to an eml file.
Downloads: 869 | Categories: Mail
This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export a calendar event to an ics file.
Downloads: 434 | Categories: Calendar
This Zimlet adds an option in the mail view for ICS attachments and allow to import into Calendar. In addition it also adds a menu option in the Calendar Actions menu to import an ICS via upload.
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