By: zimbra
While a generic LDAP authentication module for SimpleSAMLphp exists, it is hard to set-up, it requires the use and storing of an admin bind credential and is in continous development making it impossible to install a working version of this module on a released version of SimpleSAMLphp.
The Zimbra authentication module for SimpleSAMLphp makes it easy to use the Zimbra LDAP as the authentication source for your SimpleSAMLphp based SAML IDP.
Read the full documentation on Github.
Rating | No ratings or reviews |
Downloads | 378 |
Latest Version | 0.0.1 |
Categories | SAML |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.8.x , ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
Created | on 9/21/23 |
Updated | on 9/21/23 |