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Undo Send Zimlet - delays email-send upto 30 seconds

By: ilger.com

Today, more than ever, email has become an essential tool for daily use and for transferring files and communications of various types. You may have had the experience of sending an unfinished email by mistake or maybe to the wrong recipient. With this Zimlet it will be possible to undo sending and prevent the emails from being delivered.

When the Zimlet is active and configured, each time you click the "SEND" button you will see a count-down pop-up of the duration that you have previously chosen allowing you to quickly "Undo". To cancel sending, simply click "Cancel"; if you are sure that your email is correct and you want to send it immediately, click "OK".

Thanks to Fabio Soares Schmidt for the translation in Brazilian Portuguese

Change Logs:

1.6 Added Brazilian Portuguese translation

Helpful Links


Rating ( 4 ratings )
Downloads 7232
Latest Version 1.6
Categories Mail
Compatibility ZCS 8.0.x
License No License Specified
Created on 8/30/16
Updated on 10/14/16


  • Awesome...! 

    By: rajhans9 on on 1/2/17 for version 1.6

    This is my one of the favorite features of Gmail.
    And I am happy now its working by same way with my most favorite mail server ZIMBRA..


  • Installation 

    By: rajhans9 on on 12/29/16 for version 1.6

    Can anyone guide me to install this zimlet on centos 7 ?

    Best regards..

  • Amazing Zimlet ! It helps us a lot. 

    By: fs.schmidt on on 10/7/16 for version 1.5

    The Zimlet works perfectly in Zimbra 8.7

  • why don't you implement a way to recall or replace an email message after it is sent ????!!! Great Job Guys 

    By: Nestor54 on on 9/16/16 for version 1.5

  • Wow! 

    By: CaPa8319 on on 8/30/16 for version 1.4

    Great work! It works fine. Thanks!

Older Versions:

Version 1.5

Compatibility ZCS 8.0.x
Created 8/30/16, 12:48 PM
Toggle description

Today, more than ever, email has become an essential tool for daily use and for transferring files and communications of various types. You may have had the experience of sending an unfinished email by mistake or maybe to the wrong recipient. With this Zimlet it will be possible to undo sending and prevent the emails from being delivered.

When the Zimlet is active and configured, each time you click the "SEND" button you will see a count-down pop-up of the duration that you have previously chosen allowing you to quickly "Undo". To cancel sending, simply click "Cancel"; if you are sure that your email is correct and you want to send it immediately, click "OK".