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PamFax for Zimbra

By: Scendix_Software

PamFax allows you to send emails and/or attachments directly from your Zimbra Desktop account as a fax and provides a free fax number for you to receive faxes.

Why PamFax?

  • 3 FREE pages after sign up
  • NO credit card required to sign up
  • FREE fax number (trial)
  • Unlimited and free fax reception
  • NO minimum monthly purchase
  • Competitive pricing (worldwide)
  • FREE sending PamFax to PamFax
  • Supports Windows, OS X, Android, iPad/iPhone and Blackberry
  • NO advertising on your fax
  • Easy, reliable, honest and secure

Through the seamless integration with Zimbra Desktop you can easily send any email with or without attachment as a fax. Just install PamFax with the Zimlet add-on (Zimbra Desktop required). Then open Zimbra and select what you wish to fax. The rest is handled automatically by PamFax!

We provide pay on demand with pricing starting at ~$0.08 per page or alternatively two plans. With on demand, the minimum first purchase is ~$7 of which 100% will be added as PamFax Credit to your account. There are no monthly cost or expiration terms.

The download is the PamFax local application (which is needed to send) and the installer will detect and install the Zimlet if Zimbra Desktop is present on your system. You will also see the option during the install process.

Free to sign up, competitive pricing, worldwide service!

Installation instructions:


  • Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 - 32/64)
  • Zimbra Desktop
  • PamFax for Windows

Click on "Visit site" and download the PamFax for Windows application. Make sure you already have Zimbra Desktop installed. After download run the PamFax installer. Select to install the Zimlet to Zimbra Desktop. After installation has been completed you will see PamFax in Zimbra Desktop.


Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 3601
Latest Version 1.0.1
Categories Mail , Telecom
Compatibility ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x , ZD 7.0.x , ZD 7.1.x , ZD 7.2.x
License No License Specified
Created on 10/19/11
Updated on 10/4/15