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Maldua Zimbra OSE 2FA Extension

By: adrian.gibanel.btactic

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to your Zimbra login. Thanks to a third-party authenticator such as Google Authenticator Zimbra users are now required to enter a randomly generated code.


  • Integrated with Zimbra Webclient UI
  • Includes QR support
  • Basic 2FA
  • Trusted devices
  • Application specific passwords
  • Scratch codes
  • Network Edition binary compatibility upgrade

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Rating ( 1 ratings )
Downloads 339
Latest Version 0.8.0
Categories Two Factor Authentication
Compatibility ZCS 8.8.x , ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License GNU GPL v2
Created on 9/22/23
Updated on 12/5/24


  • Very good! 

    By: Yannis on on 10/11/23 for version 0.7.0

    The 2FA valid for users accounts and admin (Release 8.8.15_GA_3953.RHEL8_64_20200629025823 RHEL8_64 FOSS edition, Patch 8.8.15_P43.).
    It only shows me the key and not the qr code image. Has the problem occurred to others?

    • > The 2FA valid for users accounts and admin (Release 8.8.15_GA_3953.RHEL8_64_20200629025823 RHEL8_64 FOSS edition, Patch 8.8.15_P43.). > It only shows me the key and not the qr code image. Has the problem occurred to others? Assuming that you are using 0.7.0 version (and also never used 0.6.0 version) 8.8.15 should work out of the box. This means that you should see the QR image both in the Preferences page and in the login page when an user is forced to use 2FA. I had never had feedback from a RHEL installation so this might be related to RHEL specific stuff such as SELinux. Would you please open an issue in: https://github.com/btactic/zimbra-ose-2fa/issues and continue the conversation there? Thank you! 

      Replied on 11/3/23