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Journyx Time Sheet

By: robert.hau

This Zimlet give you the ability to embed a Journyx TimeSheet into your Zimbra 6 Installation


Rating ( 5 ratings )
Downloads 2386
Latest Version 1.0
Compatibility ZCS Legacy , ZD Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 5/10/10
Updated on 10/5/15


  • Expense sheets 

    By: kconti on on 4/8/14 for version 1.0

    Does this zimlet work only for timesheets, or can expenses be submitted as well?I have not used this zimlet yet.  Our current Journyx version is 7.5m2Zimbra version - 8.0.3

  • Works with Zimbra 8.06 as well 

    By: justscott on on 3/11/14 for version 1.0

    I actually work at Journyx, and I've been using this Zimlet for years. I love it.

  • How do I register the server globaly? 

    By: cassioac on on 6/23/12 for version 1.0

    I have to fill in the Server Configuration in all users manually, and if I logoff the current user session, when I log back in the preference is gone. What do I have to do to set this configuration permanent and globally?

    • Unfortunately Its not configurable globally. Perhaps it could be added. Otherwise the configuration is stored per user. I have been using it for years now and never had any issues on that side. Perhaps our hosting provider works differently. 

      Replied on 8/23/12

  • Compatibility with ZCS 7.1.3 

    By: chaudharyumesh on on 1/28/12 for version 1.0

    Please make it compatible with ZCS 7.1.3, as i am getting error "ERROR 403"

    • You need to set in the preferences the journyx server. Here is an example of what it should be. https://asp03.journyx.com/yourcompany/jtcgi/ 

      Replied on 1/28/12

  • Journyx Zimlet 

    By: robert.hau on on 5/19/10 for version 1.0

    I Know normally this is strange for the writer of the Zimlet to review his own Zimlet, but this was the only way to give the credit where credit is due. I would like to thank Andrew Reutter from the Journyx team to help make this Zimlet work properly. I originally wrote this as a simple webpage link, but utilizing the new Tab features of Zimbra 6.0. I created a completely embedded version of the Timesheet application. Great part about it is you can easily move it at any time since the user_property lets you choose the Journyx Server. If anyone has any additional features that are needed, I am willing to adjust the code as much as I can. Don't bother asking about single-sgn-on, its really not worth the time an effort.