By: zetalliance
This zimlet (and the associated server extension and agent) provide the functionality to create followup E-Mails for the Zimbra Collaboration Server versions 8.5 and up.
The zimlet provides the basic user interface, that lets users create followup emails at different points of time.
The mail is mvoed to a user defined folder with its date set to the follow-up time. When the follow-up time is due, the mail is moved back to the inbox, tagged with a user defined tag and set to unread.
Clicking on the mail users can see, that the mail was deferred and can even lookup a history.
This zimlet uses parts of the Inbox Zero-Zimlet made by andyc available at the Zimlet gallery (more information available at the Inbox Zero Website)
It also includes the "json"-enabler by Doug Crockford available at its Github Repository.
It relies on the server extension to set the date on followup emails.
The server extension provides a SOAP request to set the date on a specific mail.
The agent is a Python script, that looks periodically for E-Mails that are due to followup, moves that mails back into the inbox, flags them as "unread" and tags them.
When a followup e-mail is due, the mail moves back into the inbox folder. To make the e-mail visible to the user, it moves to the top of the inbox. To achieve this, the receive date of that mail is modified inside the Zimbra store.
The original received date of the e-mail as included in the e-mail's header is not modified.
If this goes against your company's compliance is up to you.
The zimlet may be installed as usual, either using the Zimbra Administration Console or the zmzimletctl tool.
Create the directory "de.dieploegers.followup" in "/opt/zimbra/lib/ext" under the root user and copy the jar file there. Restart the mailbox daemon to activate the extension.
Copy the files into some directory on your zimbra server (or another server,
that matches the prerequisites).
After that, start the agent using
This will check all accounts on the server for followup mails.
You can also specify
To build the server extension, create a file "" and configure the properties included in to your liking.
Run "ant" to just build the extension's jar-file.
Use "ant deployrestart" to also deploy the jar file to your zimbra server and restart the mailbox daemon. (Leave out "restart" if you don't want to restart)
This zimlet is a fork of eu_zedach_emaildefer
, which is abandoned. If you're
already using that zimlet, you can copy the user properties to the new zimlet
by calling the following lines as zimbra-user on your zimbra server:
for USER in `zmprov -l gaa`
zmprov ma $USER `zmprov -z ga $USER | grep eu_zedach_emaildefer | sed -re "s/: / /gi" | sed -re "s/eu_zedach_emaildefer/de_deploegers_followup/gi" | paste -d " " -s`
(There may be errors for users, that haven't set up the euzedachemaildefer-zimlet!)
If all works and you'd like to remove the old euzedachemaildefer properties, run this script:
for USER in `zmprov -l gaa`
zmprov ma $USER `zmprov -z ga $USER | grep eu_zedach_emaildefer | sed -re "s/^/-/gi" | sed -re "s/: / /gi" | paste -d " " -s`
Again, there may be errors.
Rating | No ratings or reviews |
Downloads | 2133 |
Latest Version | 1.0-rc1 |
Categories | |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.0.x |
License | GNU GPL v2 |
Created | on 9/12/14 |
Updated | on 10/4/17 |