By: satishs
Smart Scheduler Zimlet which can suggest a meeting time based on free/busy status of attendees and search criteria. Schedules an appointment based on a drag-and-dropped message and will auto-add attendees and display their free/busy status for a week.
Rating | ( 5 ratings ) |
Downloads | 22973 |
Latest Version | 1.0_6.0.0.20100507.092039 |
Categories | Calendar , Utilities |
Compatibility | ZCS Legacy , ZD Legacy |
License | No License Specified |
Created | on 5/7/10 |
Updated | on 10/8/15 |
By: aitormartinezvalderrama on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0_6
Great work! It works fine. Thanks.
By: Alexey_Kor on on 11/28/12 for version 1.0_6.0.0.20100507.092039
Zimbra 8.0.2 lang RU or EN don't work with message "No free time slots found with on selected week range" when i press AutoPik button :-(
By: dbenza on on 9/16/10 for version 1.0_6
Hello,this Zimlet is just great and we love it !In the Search Scope panel, the word 'From' have been translated in French with the word "Expéditeur". But in French, the word "Expéditeur" means the "Sender" of an email, not the start time of the Search Scope... in this context "Expéditeur" is a non-sense. The correct word in French to translate "From" on this panel should be "De".Could you correct this ?Best regards,
By: NOZIL on on 9/5/10 for version 1.0_6
This feature appeared in the schedule tab when creating an appointment and shoul be present in the zimlet. Filled a enhancement request for this And also added one for the comment jstillwa made.
By: jstillwa on on 8/10/10 for version 1.0_6
No support for changing the calendar, thus assistants can't schedule for the busy people that need this Zimlet. :( Otherwise, 5.