By: zetalliance
Bulk Reply allows you to reply to a lot of people without having to hit the reply button repeatedly, this can come in handy if you are organizing events or receive a lot of applications or proposals.
This Zimlet is supported on Zimbra version 8.7.11 and 8.8.9 and above.
This Zimlet is not available for use in Zimbra Desktop.
Bugs and feedback:
The recommended method is to deploy using git. (I no longer support zmzimletctl, although that still works.)
[root@myzimbra ~]# yum install -y git
[root@myzimbra ~]# apt-get -y install git
[root@myzimbra ~]# cd ~
[root@myzimbra ~]# rm bulkreply-zimlet -Rf
[root@myzimbra ~]# git clone
[root@myzimbra ~]# cd bulkreply-zimlet
[root@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet]# git checkout 0.0.2
[root@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet]# chmod +rx
[root@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet]# ./
We are about to install the Zimlet, do you want to deploy it as a developper ? (y/N) y
[root@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet]# su zimbra
[zimbra@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet] zmprov mc default zimbraPrefZimletTreeOpen TRUE
[zimbra@myzimbra bulkreply-zimlet] zmcontrol restart
Rating | ( 1 ratings ) |
Downloads | 2035 |
Latest Version | 0.0.2 |
Categories | |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | GNU GPL v2 |
Created | on 1/25/16 |
Updated | on 10/15/21 |
By: ajcody on on 12/23/16 for version 0.0.1