By: zetalliance
This is a copy of Birthday Reminder Zimlet that is copied from the upstream Zimbra FOSS source. Tthis version was taken from git in May 2015. It was last tested in 2021 on Zimbra 9. The source was not altered in any way.
Scans your Address Book for birthdays and creates appointment reminders. With a single-click, you can scans your Address Books and display your contact birthday information. You can review and create multiple reminders for each birthday. Multiple reminders help users schedule plans in advance of a birthday. Reminders can be:
This updated version of the Birthday Reminder Zimlet includes the following changes:
You may need to change as Zimbra user:
zmprov mcf zimbraHttpDosFilterMaxRequestsPerSec 100
Also, if you just added dates to contacts, the Zimlet does not see them yet, this has something to do with the cache design in Zimbra, you can refresh your browser (CTRL+R) and try again.
Rating | No ratings or reviews |
Downloads | 2715 |
Latest Version | 1.1 |
Categories | |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 |
Created | on 12/29/15 |
Updated | on 2/1/21 |